Article Manager

From the article manager you can see all of the articles that have been created on your site. On the drawer on the left you will see the filter section. The filter section will help you quickly find articles by drilling down into content using the dropdown selectors.

Using the search box

If you know the name of the article you are trying to find, or if you know part of the name of the article, you can use the Filter search box to locate the article. Type some characters from the article title into the filter search box and hit go. The text box is NOT case sensitive. After hitting go you will see a list of all articles on your site containing the search string.

article search



Using the selectors

  • Category - Select from the categories on your site to see all content in that category.
  • Author - Select an Author to see only the content from that Author. This can be combined with the previous selectors so that you can see only content from the selected Author in a particular Section and/or Category.
  • State - This will allow you to see only Published, Unpublished, or Archived articles. This can be used in conjunction with any or all of the previous selectors.
article drawer





The article manager toolbar is located above the filter bar and below the Administrator toolbar. It contains the following options:

  • Unarchive - Unarchive any archived articles that you have a placed a checkmark next to them in the Article Manger.
  • Archive - Archive any articles that you have a placed a checkmark next to them in the Article Manger.
  • Publish - Publish (make viewable on the site) any articles with a checkmark next to them in the Article Manager.
  • Unpublish - Unpublish (hide on the site) any any articles with a checkmark next to them in the Article Manager.
  • Trash - Move checked articles into the trash.
  • Edit - Edit the selected article.
  • New - Create a new article.
  • Options - This brings up a panel with configuration options for articles.
  • Help - This will bring up the help page for the Article Manager. This page contains similar information to this wiki page.
article toolbar
